“Coriander is also notorious for getting stuck in foreskins and bras”
When the Pho Cafe (Vietnamese street food) opened back in 2005 it blossomed flavour and freshness. Now their soups taste like a public pool after a school swimming carnival. Even the staple classic Summer Rolls have the mouthfeel of a condom.
Stop what you’re doing and go quick sticks to the very green and no nonsense Song Que Cafe in Hoxton with all the other hairy hipsters. The culinary skills of the bow-legged extended family are second to none. The cumin anything is mouth popping joy and delightfully stingy on the lips, soothe them with a nasty Pinot Grigio.
Watch as hipsters get coriander stuck in their beards and say things like and like and like and like that and like later like he said like yeah and like she was like all like, like yeah. Enough likes already.
Coriander is also notorious for getting stuck in foreskins and bras. If coriander could talk we would learn the secrets of hipster sex. What really goes on? How do hipsters have sex? And can we stop it?