

His whimper in the depths of the night

Not yet a beast, not even two decades out of diapers

Oblivious to most things, including his beauty

and my love for him like thunder

brewing, soon to crash

The winding black hair on the inside of his thighs

The careful release of his air as I swallow his semen

its slow warm journey down the back of my throat

and finally him, spent

displayed upon my white linen,

legs spread, mouth gaped

A fucking monument

Considering youth

is just a beach seconds before sun set

swept hair and white teeth

and considering being young

has nothing to do with any of that

perhaps I shouldn’t panic as it dwindles here

or resent it exploding in all its glory there

upon my bed

The saliva of his cock stretching to his torso

The twitch of one finger,

The crescent moon of his thumb nail

The flaking skin between his toes

And now my ear

listening to his thunder,

distant, out to sea

Even my sleeping compared to his seems contrived

Here’s to things we love

Oh here’s to Brighton

A town that says ‘do your worst’

Says here’s to the hug that won’t let go first, taking the sting out of signal failure at Three Bridges

Says here’s to the archers and all the weekend flotsam that washes up beneath 

Says here’s to the orderly queue of shit even deeper below, a feat of Victorian engineering

Says here’s to a grubby sunset and the whirling twirling starlings 

Says here’s to 11,000 a year at American Express, crisp and shiny in a Primark suit

Says here’s to chips and curry sauce and the crunch of leather jackets

Says here’s to pile-it-high roasts with all the trimmings and the gurning turning chefs with nicotine knuckles

Says here’s to the Steiner school kids and their lost ambition 

like mist drifting across the downs 

Says here’s to saying sorry 100 times in the Kemp Town Coop and the calming absence of choice

Says here’s to the wind between the tower blocks battering your London hair

Says here’s to a sun drenched nap, half way back to Hove

Says here’s to setting sail in a mobility scooter, “ahoy” says the fat man blowing along the prom 

Says here’s to giggling at the turnip palace as you pass the joint, resting your head on a soft white thigh

Says here’s to an overpriced painted rock and a passive aggressive sales pitch in the hallway of an open house

Says here’s to watching over us wise old channel like a tear in the sack of an eye ready to roll

Says here’s to the beach of misshaped hearts

Says here’s to falling asleep on the couch Sunday night and missing the rail replacement bus

Says here’s to getting here

Says here’s to never leaving

Here’s to the things we love





Stroke my chest

I know he breathes


His waving

Hacks and strokes my roots

I know he’ll be a house again

Bold and reaching for his place

A yard again

Lantana tangling like our history

Ode to smack

Crushing razors

To a silver paste

Suck it up





Back to numb

Returning home

No longer sore

No longer raw

No shore

No end

To this sawing

Carpet ride

God the beauty

The beauty god?

Is this it?

Is this you?

If not

It will do

January before I leave

I can’t see my beauty for the blinding whack of yours

I can’t hear my voice for the thunderous purr of yours

I can’t see anything but you on my sheets

We’ve got the same blood fella

It rocketed through our veins at once

The haze of our encounter is how I imagine an afterlife

The eternal ecstasy of you in my sights

The universe was finally something I could hold in my arms

You brought it to me, into my room

The same room I wondered how anyone comes to hold all they feel

You talked of loved ones with a wide smile

Cocked your lips and nudged mine

Cast a spell 

That only after I opened my eyes to see yours exploding could it be undone

You left a hundred years too soon 

I was just about to whisper

Please stay

The immortal wakes

He didn’t lie with her until her mortal heart slowed, slowed, slowed, slowed to just a mumble in his big ear

His yawn a tunnel through time

A window too

Took respite in a cave to ease his arthritic thumb

For many moons and one sun

For most of the Neolithic age

The immoral wakes

Remembers centuries as minutes but what is time?

Memory is a river that churns ocean to ocean and cascades into the bluest of space

Thinks, as one thumb circles another for maybe a week

Ponders, without a clash of eyelids for no one knows how long

Imagining a tunnel through a cave wall 

He might dig sooner or later

It matters less as he turns and sleeps some more

The immortal wakes

You can forget love, he told a beast that lay beside him injured from a great fall, perhaps from a higher cliff but not from the sky

that’s a different beast, one that doesn’t speak 

The immortal slept through the crash, the thud 

The dust cloud had settled by the time his eyelids like a cape on a bat opened wide and took in light

The beast could do very little but listen

The immortal wakes

He told the beast he had loved harder than the fall he’d taken days maybe weeks earlier

The beast groaned (so perhaps it was weeks)

He loved hard and deep like the tunnel he might dig

many moons ago

He didn’t lie with her until her mortal heart slowed, slowed, slowed, slowed to just a mumble in his big ear

They walked across mountains and planes, her asleep on his back, in his pouch, on the crown of his head

Her mortal rhythm taps on his skin

Skin maligned with the scars of eternity 

Scars you’d expect, basins of old sweat, slowly drying up as he sleeps

They leapt like leopards until they flew like birds, he felt love was like that

leaps monumental and over and over until you feel like you are a bird

Across oceans they swam one hand digging through the weighted water striding onwards

the other keeping her mortal heart tapping against the palm of his hand held just above the water

He lay with her until her mortal heart slowed, slowed, slowed, slowed to just silence in his big ear 

then the wind from the oceans, the very same oceans they once swam together, whipping across the earth

lifted the dust, the very same dust that surely settled upon his cape-like eyelids as they lay closed when the beast fell from a great height

became powdery blow on a brittle cave wall

he sent the wind back to the oceans with a scream that gave no one any rest least of him


upon a sleep he embarked to hold his memory of her in a thousand winter’s dreaming

The immortal wakes

he barely recalled the feeling of grief and why she was important

the beast smiled and asked, so you can forget pain but not love?

The story of love is eternal not the feeling, the immortal said looking at the beast’s one lazy eye holding up

One long sentence

years months days hours wide eyed and wet in the middle

flooding the golden grass with grim reaped tears through a voice from the softest cloud

down the farm wet shuddering despair full to the ear’s brim

every minor chord of gutting regret  


I could never promise you a future a four am without fear

I belong to two islands a thousand miles apart with an epoch long aching to wander like a dog in search of a resting place to wheeze and fling one final critique on life’s superfluous complication across the polypropylene carpet

now you have a thump thump thump into the two thousand mortal coils and under you

his arms will unravel

my lovely sphinx forever buried in my dna fur snuffling truffling like the mysterious dancing light the tor presides over and beyond

silently right there in the murmur of an algae hue we lie

in a crackling peace waiting for the wicker flames to rise

licking each other clean

the farm falls dim damp dark exhausted from marching rites through mud and stone

the earth strong and loud I squeeze his hand


Something died

Something died between us last night

A spark that once flickered turned to dust

It was Good Friday too and we hardly noticed the loss of what was once just ours and what is now every tale of missed passion

Our eyes agreed to the terms of our end, now more fodder for sad songs

A trusted friend made an observation about the need for our sparring,

You postured, I slumped.

Protesting too much I saw you

Self-conscious enough to tepid all your reactions to fill your wise I

But I knew the nose of our wine, the only other man that could

We said goodbye to great heights only seconds before not years as you insisted

I cared not and smoked against your will

For love is something that leaves me bludgeoned 

But the spark was cracking wasn’t it?

The old Italian in the restaurant saw it from afar and came running to enquire about our miracle

You assured him it was platonic affection

“Yes,” I should have said, “a spark not yet spoilt by love”

You can spend as long as you like promoting our ordinary alliance

I know you know we know of this thing 

our thing

And even if it’s dead now it was alive once and I will talk of it forever in fear of the silence confirming a myth that keeps you sure of your own paltry psychology

Even just to piss you off

One day you’ll realise reciting your truth

No matter what the risk or how tragic it plays

Turns sparks into fireworks


A white boy born into a poor family must find it hard to understand the idea of white privilege

A black boy born into a poor family must find it hard to understand racism

racism is pain unheard and unwitnessed

class war

privilege is a mood not a status

black deaths matter

Uncle Ben scrapped its Uncle Ben on the front of the 2 minute rice something about a century old stereotype

Quaker Oats scrapped it’s Aunt Jemima syrup and pancakes, comfort food looking a bit like slavery

All this because a black George Floyd managed to gasp “I can’t breathe” in ear shot of a smart phone when he’s neck was being stomped on by a white cop

Token change, all ads up, I guess

Even the British Broadcasting Commission cast more black actors in it’s period dramas, to represent

Hope it says to each and every little black boy yes you can swan around in a top hat and high-buttoned, single breasted waistcoat one day

no matter how historically inaccurate

All this makes me feel like real change has come to food and TV