BJ Tunstall

BJ Tunstall

Pho lumberjacks

“Coriander is also notorious for getting stuck in foreskins and bras” When the Pho Cafe (Vietnamese street food) opened back in 2005 it blossomed flavour and freshness. Now their soups taste like a public pool after a school swimming carnival.…

Wake me up before you Covid

March 2020 I was working in a hospital as Covid-19 took hold of the city. To curb the spread of the virus hospital workers were required to quarantine after work. This meant I couldn’t be within 2 meters of my…

Budae Jjigae yum

When I first heard about ‘army base stew’ I got an erection imagining soldiers in a spa soaking their war torn limbs…” When I first heard about ‘army base stew’ I got an erection imagining soldiers in a spa soaking…

Ashes to ashes, tat to tut

“Babs saw all the things she loathed in herself also in her son. His loose skin and wide open heart” David Bowie said in his song Queen BitchShe’s so swishy in her satin and tatIn her frock coatand bipperty-bopperty hat…


“Suddenly he sat up and pointed at me. “Haha look at the size of your mouth! You could suck 10 cocks with that!”” When I was a child my mother pu​t me on the Pritikin Diet, a ​low-fat, high-fibre diet…

The year the drugs worked

“Sick people came back to life and were back on the dance floor, just in time for the Great Summer of 1998” My Grindr profile reads “in London there is 1 top for every 1000 bottoms, so be patient. I…

Mexican striptease

“I dined at La Bodega Negra the night after Kylie Minogue was seen exiting not so discretely” I’m rarely seen at the right places or attend the right parties but last night I dined at La Bodega Negra the night…

A Melbourne thing

“He was the perfect Melbourne waiter, reading his customers and matching any hint of enthusiasm with flirty temptation. Also known as sexy up-selling” The wait staff in Melbourne restaurants are renowned for their intimacy. When you’re fresh from another country…

Car crash romance

“Right now if I had to choose between my Italian lover Marco and Parmesan I’d choose Parmesan. He doesn’t mind. It’s Parmesan after all. Italian’s are rarely jealous if you choose food over them” I don’t do romance. Having said…

Pub drawl

“I could smell his sweaty sideburns” I love sitting at a bar having a beer. It’s a very masculine thing to do. No one questions a man at a bar having a beer. Even if he stinks a bit. If…