Pile it high

Sunday’s for me are a Bloody Mary at 11, Gin and Tonic at midday and a bottle of Pinot Noir at about 1pm. Then I get out of bed and check my phone to see whose invited me to lunch. Pork is an ironic meat. Nothing calms the soul quite like pork and yet it’s… Continue reading Pile it high

Mexican striptease

I’m rarely seen at the right places or attend the right parties but last night I dined at La Bodega Negra the night after Kylie Minogue was seen exiting not so discretely. My friend Candy insisted we dine there not just so I could bathe in the waft of Miss Minogue but because she thought… Continue reading Mexican striptease

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Pub drawl

I love sitting at a bar having a beer. It’s a very masculine pose for a man. No one questions a man at a bar having a beer. Even if he stinks a bit. If a woman sits at a bar even for a few seconds, she must be waiting for someone or she’s a… Continue reading Pub drawl

Roast boast

I smother my steak in Hot English mustard and stab at it with a steak knife that wouldn’t feel out of place in a tower block in south London. It’s raggedy and rotted. Bills serves it up with watercress but even the first lady of garnish can’t cheer up this miserable meat. I suck the… Continue reading Roast boast

Janet’s Bar

Janet’s Bar is a drinking hole slapped about with tat in the fading opulence of South Kensington. I love this place. I get the back table near the loos early evenings and talk with my writer friends about death. Last night we stayed later than usual and Janet came in. it was like sitting at… Continue reading Janet’s Bar

So, it’s Pho

When Pho (Vietnamese street food) opened back in 2005 it blossomed flavour and freshness. Now their soups taste like a public pool after a school swimming carnival. Even the staple classic Summer Rolls have the mouthfeel of a condom where prawns go to die. Stop what you’re doing and go quick sticks to The Green… Continue reading So, it’s Pho

Brexit fondue party

Why not hold a Brexit fondue party? Seat tightly Remainers and Leavers in equal portion at a round table and tell them to rub the inside of a pot with garlic, boil up some wine and lemon and melt fists full of grated cheese. Then tell them to use the long pointy forks provided to… Continue reading Brexit fondue party