Big mouth writes again

When I was a child my mother pu​t me on the Pritikin Diet, a ​low-fat, high-fibre diet which forms part of the Pritikin programme for diet and exercise. A lifestyle regimen created by Nathan Pritikin. The book describing the diet became a best-seller while I wasted away. By the time I was 8 (pictured above)… Continue reading Big mouth writes again

Misery upon grim

The British don’t expect to be happy. On this small boot-shaped island miserableness is patriotic. The British are proudly miserable. In the depths of winter misery is a crackling fire in the pit of one’s gut. It’s the only way to survive. I thought digging out the scarves and gloves, plugging gaps under doors, double… Continue reading Misery upon grim

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Categorized as Spoken word


A white boy born into a poor family must find it hard to understand the idea of white privilege A black boy born into a poor family must find it hard to understand racism racism is pain unheard class war privilege is a mood not a status black deaths matter Uncle Ben dropped the Uncle… Continue reading Privilege

Ashes to ashes, tat to tut

David Bowie said in his song Queen BitchShe’s so swishy in her satin and tatIn her frock coatand bipperty-bopperty hat Tat is good bad and sometimes bad good, unnecessary but a statement none the less. A Londoner will tell you tut describes items with no aesthetic merit or use or monetary value. In England a… Continue reading Ashes to ashes, tat to tut